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Here is an overview of the core concepts of the Fanpoints ecosystem and how they relate to each other.


FanPoints is the core concept of FanPoints. It is a digital currency that can be used to purchase and sell products and services. It is normally rewarded to users as a form of cashback when they make purchases at Marketing Partners. It can then be used to pay for products and services or directly in the FanPoints marketplace or at Marketing Partners who have implemented the Fanpoints Payment Service Provider.


StatusPoints are a type of Points that are used to reward users for their loyalty or activity. They are usually earned by completing certain actions or by being a participating member of a program. They can be used to unlock exclusive content or gain benefits.


Modules are the building blocks of Fanpoints. They are used to extend the functionality of Fanpoints and to integrate it with other systems. There are different modules available for either Loyalty Programs or Marketing Partners.


Partnerships are used for Loyalty Programs and Marketing Partners to collaborate. They form the legal basis for both stakeholders to allow for the exchange of branding material and lay the ground rules for the engagement between the two programs.